INTRODUCING OUR VIRTUAL INTERNSHIPS! Choose from 4, 6 or 8 weeks to intern remotely at a company based in one of four exciting destinations around the world
While currently we are not able to travel overseas, we believe there is still a great opportunity during this time to engage with other countries and have meaningful cross-cultural connections and professional workplace experiences. With modern technology, we have the ability to bridge cultures and people from all over the world – all from the comfort of our homes and without the costs associated with travel.Our Virtual Internships are perfect for students who want to gain professional experience in their chosen field, work with an intercultural team at an international company and who are looking for an affordable (and environmentally friendly!) program option.

Our four Virtual internships also provide a range of potential equity and access solutions by opening up a range of new opportunities for students who might not otherwise have been able to attend a professional overseas placement. Virtual Internships are available in the following locations:

These internships include ongoing support and supervision, cultural sessions, engaging and challenging projects, and an opportunity to build international networks. We are committed to finding each student a professional and customised virtual internship (unpaid) that matches their career ambitions, and that will help build their resume and achieve professional and academic goals (for academic credit). Applications are now open – apply today!

To book a UQ Career Appointment, click here